Friday, February 1, 2019

First Grader

In other news,

my daughter is now in Year 1.
Six years old and I've been a mother for that long. Whoa.

To come full circle, she is now the same age as all those students I taught for all those years. It's strange. And it's beautiful. And she's so big and I'm having all these feelings and it's weird having these feelings because .... feelings.

There is no baby left in this kid. She is all kid now. She asked on Friday if she can take herself to the classroom without me even walking her in.
And I actually nearly teared up.

Because I'm proud. And it's noticing that she's getting older and this new phase of our relationship will never go back to the old one. The change is happening. I love this independence and it will make my life much easier, but it's also the death of another dynamic. And that's sad. It will never come back.

I mean, maybe it will and we could go back and forth. I'm just experiencing it now.

She also has her first wobbly tooth. Both of them actually, down bottom and central. She isn't overly fussed about wiggling them yet, so must not be that much.
She is reading like a champion. She nailed her first swimming lesson in over a year.

I love this kid. I'm glad she's independent and healthy and clever and usually pretty kind.
But there's no baby any more.

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