Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Next topic.

Now that I have established the trifecta - perfect balance of work, family/home and self - I realised that this is ideal.

This part time work gig allows me to enjoy my kids.
And the balance of having another person to help with the house tasks allows the stress of daily life to ease.

So much ease. Another person with a helpful nature is the ultimate difference

But now, I've been able to sit back and reflect on my work.
I've always wanted to be a teacher. Ever since I sat down at my first grade desk and watched my first grade teacher from her side of the room, I wanted to be that person.

The goal of probably most teachers is to leave this beautiful lasting impression on our students. People who want to help and satisfy curiosity and learn how to make the world a slightly more enlightened place.

I don't feel that way anymore.
I am in a job where I don't feel respected or encouraged or like there is any way to do a good job.

Maybe I should move this think tank.
I like academia. I want to continue that journey of movement to enquiry.

I think I want to earn a PhD.
Begin the research.