Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Enormous Life Plans

Everything is changing.

(I should really be getting used to that, I guess.)

So many ideas have been banging around in my little head. Like the fog has lifted in these last few months. All this time in isolation has resulted in flashes, the start of something. Ideas.

I've toyed with this idea of going back to school to get a PhD. It's a lovely dream idea, but I don't have the clarity around where to start. What topic? How could I possibly consider studying and having time commitments as a single mother?  Hmmm, maybe not quite yet.

So.... it's time to explore something else.

My brain has been fried. There are thoughts pinging off the sides and banging into each other. It's intense. Confusing. I start considering one part and remember other items that I need to . It's hard to keep up. I'll start with a list. Not necessarily in order.

1. Investments, current savings
2. Citizenship - what do I do with my current US status? It's a whole other post.
3. Job - I like the security, but I want to do more with it. Future for international schools, hopefully. (Can I do what without my US citizenship?) Rural and remote Australia? Yes. Okay, let's learn more about that one.
4. My kids.
My favourite stressful topic.
They should have a childhood that is an experience. Not just the humdrum, home, school regular push of society and ... so regular. No. I want them to have more than that.

So here's my chance. They're at good ages. I can make the decisions and they're coming with me. It's time to do something a bit more exciting. Terrifying, but interesting and - let's face it, if we don't do something then I am definitely going to regret it.

A plan is starting to form.
* Converted van. I can try that. It's learning and I like that idea. Lots. Design. Create. All of that.

* Take the kids and travel the country. I'd love to see the country. Taking two kids on my own is crazy, but like I said, I'd regret it if I didn't. 

* Explore rural and remote areas of Australia (as well as the higher traffic areas). Can I offer something to that population in terms of education? I have the design around individualising schooling and strategies, behaviour, a range of ages in primary. What could I do? Remote contracts, possibly, which would put me in a classroom. Offer special education services? Start an ABN and become a resource for distance education or home schoolers? What could I do through the government to make sure it's as helpful as possible. Lots of research to start there.
Whatever, I can handle research. Start somewhere.

If Cz is 4 and in his first year of school, and Ev is in Year 3, then they could (in theory) be enrolled in a school for a longer contract. This is totally do able.
