Friday, February 1, 2019


I'm a bit of a dweeb when it comes to spreadsheets.

In that I love them to the point of obsessing (a bit)

I know I'm only working part time. I know I have a security blanket in a savings account that I have been taking advantage of.

I know that there have been some projects, some unnecessary shopping, some free flowing expenses for the sake of life's enjoyment.

But I've had a rude slap to the face this last week when I actually pulled it all apart.

I went to the point of listing all of my expenses from January. I even itemised them and put them into categories. These being:
Child Care
House Insurance
Utilities and Rates
Phone and Internet

And here I go thinking that I've been living humbly. But as it turns out, I have not.
Over spending by my income by, literally, thousands of dollars.

The house insurance was a killer. New glasses. Bits and pieces and things and new tyres on the car and here we are.

The biggest one is the au pair, actually.

So in the last few days I have undergone a shift.

Abandoned the television package (save $30/month)
Cancelled the cleaner ($60/fortnight)
Stretched out our counselling appointments to 6 weeks.
Cancelled the local milk order (saving about $10/wk)
And applied for a government voucher to help with Ev's sports. ($150/yr)

Here's hoping.
Oh, and more tea, less wine.
Everyone can have goals, right?

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