Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Career and Bladder Movement

Many good things and movements.

Most importantly, Ev had the doctor appointment today to follow up on the wet pants saga.
And it was validated. Alarming enough to trigger an ultrasound for her kidneys tomorrow.

And I knew this. This issue has become throughout the day, every day- and will either be physiological or behavioural. We'll check this out first. Who knows.
Am I nervous?
Yes. Sort of, but totally am. We'll just see. The process has been started.

Secondly, my principal requested a meeting. What would I like to do for next year.
I said, this PPLC has only ever been intended on being short term. Be that 12 months or 24. Expiration date, end 2019.
Longer term, I'd like to return to base school. My child is attending. This is my longer plan, to be with her.
Extra, extra long term. Let's be honest. I'd like to go back to the international school system. It's too incredible of an experience to deprive my children of. But I'll need to be prepared to work full time for that.

Working full time can consume your soul. I love being an excellent worker, consistent and organised, prepared and committed. And I just can't offer that with two small, needy humans under foot. It isn't realistic for me to be the type of parent I want to be while being the type of professional I want to be. Maybe one day.

So we discussed returning as a non-contact teacher next year. And to be honest, that sounds great. It's a "fun" job. And I actually said that out loud.
"Are you sure you're okay with me taking the fun job?" But I also realise that this isn't permanent. Right now, it's perfect. I can do a good job, and prioritise my family.

Like I said, movement.

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